Invitation of an “Expression of Interest” by qualified / professional

Consultants for submission of Project Evaluation Report

Date: 2nd October 2023

You are invited to submit a proposal to National Foundation for India (NFI) with the requirements
mentioned herein. The purpose of this request for proposal is to identify Suitable service provider(s)
- organisations/ individual(s).
to deliver project evaluation and impact.

Background: National Foundation for India (NFI) is a professionally managed fundraising and grant making
foundation helping disadvantaged communities improve their own lives. NFI have been
supporting civil society organizations and NGOs doing constructive work in the northeast
since its inception. It is working with ten multi-ethnic youth groups in Assam, Manipur, and
Nagaland to enhance communities’ understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and has hosted a series of multi-stakeholder consultations.

The evaluation is being carried out within the framework of the project “Leaving No one
Behind: Building Pathway for Peace in Northeast India via Engagement of CSO/Youth
Leaders)” implemented in the three North Eastern states i.e. Assam, Manipur and Nagaland
supported by European Union.


The primary objectives of this evaluation are:

I. To develop a methodology and establish for project indicators using primary and secondary data, to evaluate the project’s achievements.
II. To collect statistical data analysis from the project’s intervening areas in Assam, Manipur and Nagaland and monitoring & evaluation of the project
III. To create details project report with the key findings, interventions, review, outcomes, gaps and recommendations.

Consultant Timeline Deliverables:

The consultant will provide the following:

I. An evaluation report outlining understanding of the project context and the task, methods and tools deployed to answer each research questions and outputs.
II. A final draft report and a workshop to discuss the primary findings upon completion.
III. Data collection tools (Paper questionnaire, Digital questionnaire etc.)

Proposed Work Plan

The following plan is proposed. The task is expected to take place over a period from 20th October to 30th December, 2023.

S. No. Activity No of days Dates for completion
1. Orientation of NFI & the project, “Leaving No One Behind”  1 20th Oct 2023
2. Sharing of Project activity documents 1 21st   Oct 2023
3. Develop methodology and research tool 10 1st  Dec 2023
4. Evaluation process, field visit, data collection etc. 20 20th  Dec 2023
5. First draft of evaluation report 5 22nd  Dec 2023
6. Review of first draft 5 24th  Dec 2023
7. Final report (after incorporating changes/comments received) 7 28th   Dec 2023

Nature and duration of the agreement

I. The ‘Consultant’ will remain responsible for the quality of the work and for honouring agreements.
II. Upon entering into the agreement, ‘Consultant’ accepts the obligation to use his/her best efforts and is therefore compelled to execute the agreement to his/her best understanding and capacity and as a carefully acting professional.

Cost of Evaluation
Consultants are requested to please submit the expected cost of the project evaluation in details, such as Consultancy Fee, Travel & subsistence along with the proposal.
Last Date to apply:   18th October 2023
Please submit the proposal through email id:
We anticipate that the Applicant whose proposal suggests the best solution and best prices for data collection and related logistical support (as per the requirements) will be selected after careful evaluation. NFI will notify all applicants, whether they are rejected or unsuccessful through electronic mediums.
We thank you for your effort and interest in advance.