"My project, titled “Don’t Call Me Chinki”, is a photo documentation of the rampant harassment and discrimination faced by the North East community in New Delhi. I wish to bring my audience closer to the North-easterners in order to understand them better and to familiarize ourselves with them.”
Lokesh Dang- Media Awardee, National Foundation for India, 2017-18
Lokesh Dang studied photography at Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts and Communication, Delhi.
He was born in 1991 and lives in Gurgaon and has been travelling for work around India for various projects.
In 2015 – the same year he set out on a freelance career as a photographer. The focus of his work is
Documentary photography and Photojournalism. He received the NFI 2017 media awards to help him fund the
Home Away from Home - his project on Injustice faced by Northeast Community in Delhi,
which spans over more than two years. He also recently got awarded with the 2017 Neel Dongre Awards
in which he is looking at the Urban Villages of Gurgaon. He likes to experiment with Architecture Photography,
which also helps him to keep up with his day-to-day needs.